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Basics of Internal Website Optimization

If you have already formed a semantic core of your website, i.e. have selected suitable keywords for pages, then you need to do internal optimization of pages for these key requests.

Internal optimization means some correction of website content (i.e. meta tags, text, images, link structure).

Meta tags. The most important in internal website optimization for this or that key request is the exact entry of the request into the TITLE tag, i.e. site name.

Search engines take into account only the first 70 characters of this tag, so limit you key request (or requests) to this length.

Meta Description and Meta Keywords haven’t had any effect on search engine results for a long time already. However it would do ho harm to fill in Meta Description, as GOOGLE search engine displays the first 150-200 characters from this tag as a short description of your web pages in search results, and a competent compiling of this text can attract attention of visitors.

Text. Firstly, it is desirable that text on pages were unique, i.e. it must not repeat at other websites on the Internet. As a rule pages with unique content gain advantage in search results, and are unlikely to be omitted from search index. Therefore, if the information on your website is not unique, make it unique (change the order of paragraphs, replace words by their synonyms, rephrase sentences somehow etc.)

Secondly, search engines like pages that have a lot of text, i.e. a page consisting of a few sentences only has less chance to take leading positions. Therefore, if you want to have better positions, make your articles more informative.

Thirdly, use keywords in text, and the closer a keyword is to the page top, the more valuable it is. But don’t exceed the density of 5%, otherwise your website may undergo punitive sanctions for intentional usage of keywords, and lowered in search results. A density of words shows usage frequency of a keyword, i.e. if a page contains 100 words and 10 of them are a keyword, then the density equals 10%.

Fourthly, search engines give more weight to text, set off in some way. Therefore, use keywords in titles (h1,h2,h3...), and make them bold (only the STRONG tag is taken into account) and italicized (the ЕМ tag) where possible.

Fifthly, search engines like when information on a website is being updated, so try either to add new articles or to update the existing ones more often.

Images. Search engines like texts that contain images. So, better use images in articles if possible.

Besides, use keywords in the ALT (alternative text) attribute of an image. And if there are several keywords, they should be separated by comma.

Link structure. Firstly, if there is a link from another page to the page that you are optimizing, use a keyword in the text of this link (Ideally there must be links from other pages to all optimized pages of your website).

Secondly, on all pages add the link to the home page, containing the key request that is used to promote the main page. Therefore, you will add considerable weight to the home page by this request. As a rule the link is added to the footer.

Thirdly, your website pages must contain as few external links as possible. If an article needs to contain a lot of external links, put them within tags – in such a way you’ll prohibit their indexing by search robots.

Let’s review the most important items:

  • Use key requests within page names (TITLE tag);
  • Use keywords in page text, in titles (h1,h2,h3), and set them off if possible – bold (STRONG) or italicized (EM);
  • Use keywords in alternative texts of images (ALT tag);
  • Use keywords in text of links between site pages.

I wish you successful optimization :)

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